Blog Archives

One Way to Improve Your Composition

This photo tip is on the subject of composition. 

Composition is the placement of visual elements in an art work, basically meaning of why your photos look a certain way. The way a photo looks or a piece of art is important because it changes how we see it, the emotions it can evoke, and how it tells a story. So learning how to improve your composition can be very important.

The compositional rule of Simplification basically means: "When in doubt leave it out." Literally, if it isn't lending to the story your photograph is trying to tell, don't include in […]

Lighting and Posing Class


Recently I had the chance to teach some studio techniques to some photographers. Using my strobe studio lighting, I demonstrated the differences between one light vs. two can change how dramatic the lighting can get. Also, in where the light hits the subject can change it as well. We discussed how posing works with lighting and how using the two together can change the mood. The smallest details can completely change how we read a person in a photograph.

Colors, background choice, posing, and lighting choices can all affect how a photograph can be read. Understanding these methods can really improve […]

My New Studio!

After moving to Germany and getting my business set up, I am proud to show off my new studio that I will be working out of. It is nice have a professional and dedicated set up and to do what I love.

I look forward to taking many photos in my new studio!