Blog Archives

Free Downloadable January 2016 Wallpaper Desktop Calendar

Welcome 2016!! I've decided to keep offering my free downloadable desktop wallpaper calendars of my artwork every month. January's calendar is featuring a photo with a snow covered field.


I took this last winter and it was one of my favorites because it really emphasizes how the snow can make something dull interesting. When a new year starts it is a chance to decide what life you want to live this year, to redesign your life. That is why we make resolutions. I always like the picture of a blank sketch book with a 365(6) days to make beautiful art. To […]

One Way to Improve Your Composition

This photo tip is on the subject of composition. 

Composition is the placement of visual elements in an art work, basically meaning of why your photos look a certain way. The way a photo looks or a piece of art is important because it changes how we see it, the emotions it can evoke, and how it tells a story. So learning how to improve your composition can be very important.

The compositional rule of Simplification basically means: "When in doubt leave it out." Literally, if it isn't lending to the story your photograph is trying to tell, don't include in […]

Free Downloadable December 2015 Wallpaper Desktop Calendar

Continuing through this whole year of 2015, I'm offering my free downloadable desktop wallpaper calendars of my artwork every month. December's Calendar is featuring snow and a German Castle.

Winter has definitely begun here in Germany. We have already had our first snow. This photo I took earlier in the year so we aren't quite to this level of snow yet. This is Burg Lichtenburg or also known as Kusel castle. I photograph here often because it is close to my home and love all the different views it offers. When I photographed this I purposely went out when it […]

Free Downloadable December 2014 Desktop Calendar

Starting in September 2014 I started offering free downloadable desktop wallpaper calendars of my artwork. December's photo actually comes from a little snow boarding adventure we had in the Italian Alps. Near the city of Cortina, Italy lies the slopes of ski-able mountains that are beautiful and enjoyed by many skiers and snowboarders alike.

This part of the mountains are so beautiful and just go on and on. The winter snow just gives them this magnificent crisp and awe-inspiring quality to them. On a nice sunny day like the one pictured here, we could just see for miles and miles of […]