Blog Archives

Don’t Forget About Reflections

Today's photography tip is about watching out for reflections. 

When you are out and about photographing we tend to get really involved in the subject and sometimes forget to watch out for smaller details. Reflections tend to be some of those details in a photo shoot that can get forgotten about. Whether you might be accidentally getting another person or animal in your shot that you didn't want or even getting yourself, you need to check for those reflections while you are photographing. Sure these things sometimes can be edited out but it is always nicer and a time saver […]

One Way to Improve Your Composition

This photo tip is on the subject of composition. 

Composition is the placement of visual elements in an art work, basically meaning of why your photos look a certain way. The way a photo looks or a piece of art is important because it changes how we see it, the emotions it can evoke, and how it tells a story. So learning how to improve your composition can be very important.

The compositional rule of Simplification basically means: "When in doubt leave it out." Literally, if it isn't lending to the story your photograph is trying to tell, don't include in […]

Free Downloadable February 2015 Desktop Calendar

Continuing through this whole year of 2015, I'm offering my free downloadable desktop wallpaper calendars of my artwork every month.  February's calendar is from a night photography shoot I did in Venice, Italy. It features the largest bridge in Venice and a well known historical landmark, the Rialto Bridge.

I chose this photo for February's calendar because when I think of February two things come to mind: Carnevale and Valentine's Day. I recently wrote a post all about how fabulous visiting Venice during Carnevale can be, you can read it here. This brought to mind the city of Venice. After visiting […]

Instagram: Trying New Things

So we are in a world where the internet is part of our everyday life. Since this is the case, it also means social media is part of our everyday lives as well. I have delved deeply into Facebook, swam into Flickr, and tiptoed into Twitter. My newest social media dive is into Instagram. I was one of those people who scoffed at everyone's pseudo antiqued photos with added filters of relatively boring subjects. So from that one can assume that I was not interested in it at all. Well now that it has come out of it's infancy and a […]